
Showing posts from January, 2022

How did the semiconductor crisis get so bad? What is the strategy that the Indian government is deploying to become an abortionist in this situation?

The semiconductor crisis is one of the most critical economic threats looming over the world economy for one year. This crisis has been so bad that apple lost 6 billion in revenue, Maruti had to cut down 60 of their production, Mahindra had to cut down 20 of its production and the auto industry itself has already lost 100 billion dollars in revenue due to chip shortages. India is one of the largest and fastest-growing electronic markets in the world our economy is again vulnerable to a massive threat due to this crisis.  Starting from the basic’s semiconductor chip is the brain of any electronic device and they are responsible to conduct every small action in our electronic devices and cars. For example, your mixer controls the speed of the motor, in a car, there are hundreds of semiconductors that handle everything starting from your keyless entry to automatic dose and even the functioning of your engine. Today in this digital world that we live in, semiconductors are the most importa